There are few people in my life that bring me the kind of joy that Tamara and Zak do....
The kind of fun that can only be had by people who's heads are in the same clouds.. and minds, in the same gutter.
The three of us had dinner last night and good times were had by all. We were laughing and being obnoxious, telling silly inside jokes and eating like we had never seen food before.
A magician came to our table and entertained them with his tricks.....while I played endlessly with the white bunny in his top hat. What a memorable dinner! I love when I get to have times like these with good friends, because it happens once in a blue moon. Everyone gets caught up in there own "stuff", bogged down by there stress, worry and routine.
It was like we were teenagers again, galavanting around causing rukus where ever we went. Gawd I miss being a teenager. Nothing mattered, and I knew everything about anything. Its refreshing to know that I have a few friends that can bring me back to that feeling, if only for an evening.