What do YOU dream about??

I saw a movie this weekend about this guy who had it all. Good looking, CEO of a huge company, amazing house with expencive things in it.....
He would have these dreams....dreams that taunted him. Dreams about the real things he wanted like true love..but that he diddnt have..
I have dreams about things like that to...I have dreams that my childhood was as it should have been. I have dreams that I will enjoy the thought of having children one day, dreams that I will be comfortable with who I am around everybody. Dreams about being someone, someone important, with a respectable job title....
These dreams taunt me to no end....they taunt me because I am so scared that I will not be able to obtain any of this...and I know that the only thing preventing me is my own fear.
Im absolutly terrified of life, and I feel like I am making my bed with broken glass...only to have to lay in it later.
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