Sometimes I love my job!!!!
Rewind...back to last week...
Me and my partner were sitting at the bottom of the sales standings, with a pittiful 15% of our $30,294.00 monthly quota on Jan 22nd.
Bottom of the barrell....the dirty...dirty bottom...
This the stress built and built, we really thought that we had no chance of hitting plan. It looked very grim this point, being the 29th of the month and closing only 3% more then the past week....
But alas!!!
In 2...yes! Count em' ...2 days!!! We pulled the biggest comeback ever seen, closing 101% of our full quota!!!
Thats over $24,000.00 in 2 days people!!! ( Average size deal being aprox $1500)
God damn it feels good! wouldn't have happened with out my partner Gilda and our good friends Giuliana & Ed.
We love you guys, and appreceate all you did to help us out!!
Congrats, hopefully you won't be so stressed out now.
Congrats, keep up the good work
WOOT!! Way to Go!!!
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