One month into "new life".....she writes again....

They say "the grass is always greener on the other side"
When in reality, its still that dull shade that you have been seeing all along.
Your just in a different location now.
Life is good, things are going pretty smoothly.
Almost too smooth....
Its like I'm waiting for some "reality check"...
When are things going to go sour?.....when will they go wrong?....not the way I had planed...
Then again...
Maybe they wont....maybe I will see out my original "plan" and things will be okay.
I think about it too much.
So instead, I study.
It keeps the brain occupied enough not to worry about it much...
Plus, Im basically $PAYING $ to study right theres not much choice..
Its pretty cut and dry.
Im enjoying the new sites and sounds and events and LIFE in general.
It feels good.
Makes me feel young and alive.
Im ready to get on with this next 2 years already though.....
One month in.......23 more to go....