Tuesday, October 17, 2006


This is amazing! Young girls everywhere should see this comercial!!

Our perseption of beauty is extremly twisted, we need to start changing our ways...


I almost cryed when I saw this video.

(espechaly the first half) Not a bad cry though. The kind of cry that comes on when you feel such an intence sence of connection with somthing so wonderous and beautiful.

I feel like I've found my place, and I dont care if anyone thinks its silly, or weired.
I know....... Im a total hippie, and I love it!

I must go to Black Rock City 2007!

Creativity, art, beauty, music, soul, COMUNITY!...all these things make up the "Burning Man" festival.

If you want to know more, I encourage you to google it, and read the idealistic splendor that is this festival!

Monday, October 16, 2006


Lets just be quite
and let it all soak in.
We dont allways have to figure it out,
and try to find out where we begin.

Lets just enjoy some conversation and mabey a bottle of wine.
Sit back and relax, things will make sence, give it time.

Trust is somthing that comes slowly, and we cant make it just appear.
In the meantime though, I'd love it if you could tell me you'd just be here.

Just be here, and soak it in, let all the fears subside.
I promise that when all said and done, you will have enjoyed the ride.