Sunday, September 17, 2006

So today was my last day of "vacation" and I gota tell ya, even though Ive been feeling way down, deeper then Ive been in a while........the time that I have had off has been a god send.
I have a good ways to go still, however, Im feeling alot better about my mental state and also I feel like I now can actualy start to get better.
Balance is the key.Im still learning how to do acheive the balance I need, but I have had the weight of extra stress lifted off of me while I start the prosess, and for that I am greatful.
Like I said, I still have a long way to go, and I know there will be times when things feel tough..but I have learned how to be aware of my mood, and when I realize Im feeling down I have to counter act that feeling by doing somthing I enjoy. Mabey reading a book on my lunch break, or listing to an uplifting song, or painting and being creative at home after a rough day.
If I can master my emotions and my mood, and activley work to change the negative feelings that will pop up in my everyday life............and I can realy start to change.
This is extreamly releiving to me. I feel like I can realy do this. One step at a time, I can control how I feel.
I am a bit aprehensive about how other people may preceive my mission to have a new outlook. Im not sure why but I am.
I guess I just need to remember that Im doing this for ME. I am just going to have to do whatever I need to make sure I can make it through a day in one piece.
Because at the end of the day, when I get home............Its still ME and MY life I have to keep in order....not anyone elses. My personal health and success is my bottom line, and I have to keep that as my main focus...everything else can wait.


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