Well to be honest... I'm not really into "GOD"all that much...but I definatly see it fit to take some of his advise whenever applicable...and boy oh boy does this quote ever apply! I think its important to know, and get along with your neibours. This way, if you ever see them in the hall or the elevator its not awkward. Or if you ever need a hand with the groserys or a cup of flour or sugar........or a good bed romp.....ahem....did I just say that?.....hehehehehe. Well! let me tell you somthing folks! lovin thy neibour is my new favorite religous slogan...although I have tweaked the saying just to suit myself..it is now stated as "Get your lovin from thy neibour"(hehehehe) This has proved to be a very prosperous thing for me..good companionship...no strings...and ...well...the wicked chemistry dosn't hurt!! LOL the only thing I see wrong with this conveinient arrangment is that the temptation to walk next door may prove to be extreamly distracting. (Yes, its that good!!) So... I will have to act with restraint...Oh who am I kidding??............I have NO restraint when it comes to... that....LOL ...so Im now officialy having my calls forward next door!
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