So there I am.......minding my own business, enjoying a delightful lollipop while working away on the computer....
when suddenly I realize that Im being watched!!
At first, I was quite offended, and scowled across the room at the guilty party. Then....I thought for a second......why be offended and un empowered, when I can use this power for my benifit?!?
You know what Im talking about ladies! That unexplainable power that us FINE women posess. The power to stop a man dead in his tracks, just from a look. The power to erase the logical thought prossess, and make men do things they would NEVER do !
OHHHH THE POWER!!!! Bwhahahah!

Okay thats enough evil testosterone fueld laughing for now....
But still, it never seases to amaze me, how much you can minipulate a man, just with your stunning good looks. Any woman can do it!
Just give it a try, all you have to do is make a request, any request, but say it with a "get over here and do me!" look in your eyes.......
and you'll see! He will do whatever you say!
I know who it issssss, I know who it issssss.....do I? I'll find out tomorrow! How exciting....office romance! WOOT WOOT!
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