Why is it, that women seem to flock, like giddy school girls, towards single dads?
Is it some kind of mind trick? Do men "borrow" babies, so that they can pick up women? Or do we just think its irresistibly cute, to see a man being maternal and caring towards something that is typically said to be a woman's job?
I don't know about you, but, I reluctantly admit.......It is the sweetest, most adorable thing to see a guy strolling in the park, or swimming around at water tots with his cute little baby!
Im not sure why, but I can't resist pinching the cheeks, or coo-ing over these cute little lumps of flesh, ESPECIALLY, if daddy is around!
I've never wanted children of my own, EVER, so I find it very odd that someone like me, with the opinions I have about breeding, would be so awwed by the sight of a daddy and his child.
I don't know how to explain it but.....AWWWW, how freakin CUTE is that!?!?!?
I have concluded that babys.....are indeed.......CHICK MAGNETS!
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