Well folks.. the time has come. I will soon be parting ways with my current roomie Jen ,I will be moving into a 1 bdr in the same building Im in now,all by myself. I have to admit Im kind of sad, I feel like its the end of an era, and eventhough we dont allways see eye to eye, for the most part we do get along very well, and I must admit that Im going to miss her alot. Ahh memories...those lazy sunday mornings with coffee on the couch....and our Wednesday nights watching Americas next top model.....and our late night bong sessions.....sniff sniff, Im realy sad about this. But...on the up side, I get a place all to myself again. I do admit, I have missed being able to walk around naked when ever I want, and I cant wait to decorate the way I like.
Jen gets a pretty good deal too! Shes going to go help out her mom by moving in there. Her poor mum is not doing well and has trounle around the house, so Jen will be able to save lots of cash while helping her mom out, AND she gets to modernize the whole house! Pretty cool eh? I think its a good deal for the both of us. Although...now that I think about it.....I am sooooooooo Not looking forward to packing...GRRRRRR

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